Construction Law Seminar and Reception
Join us for an informative seminar where you will have an opportunity to network and learn more about the significant changes to construction law in Ontario starting in July and what impacts these changes will have on your business and the construction industry.
A Roundtable with the Commissioner – Thoughts on effective engagement with the Competition Bureau
Join Commissioner of Competition John Pecman and senior officials from the Competition Bureau for an "insider" discussion of the most effective ways to make your case to the Competition Bureau.
Business Aircraft Finance, Registration & Legal Conference
Business Aircraft Finance, Registration & Legal Conference.
Construction Law Seminar and Webcast
Learn more about the significant changes to construction law in Ontario and what impacts these changes will have on the construction industry.
2018 Annual Review of Insolvency Law’s 15th Conference
McMillan is a proud sponsor of the 2018 Annual Review of Insolvency Law's 15th Conference presented by the Insolvency Institute of Canada in Vancouver BC taking place February 8 - 9.
DRI Product Liability Conference
McMillan is a proud sponsor of Product Liability Conference presented by DRI taking place February 7 – 9, 2018. McMillan’s Lindsay Lorimer will chair the “Children’s products" session and Lisa Parliament to Chair a session on Food Law.
Canadian Anti-Spam Law: What you still need to know about CASL
Join the discussion where legal and industry leaders will provide the latest updates on CASL and how organizations are rising to the compliance challenge.
McMillan’s Second Annual Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Protection Seminar
Members of McMillan’s Privacy, Cybersecurity, Data Protection groups will be discussing, for the second year running, how client and in-house counsel can educate their firms on how to navigate through privacy in the workplace, cyber security risks and data protection issues on Tuesday Nov 14, 2017.
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