New Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Businesses: Canada’s Modern Anti-Slavery Bill Becomes Law
May 3, 2023Canada imposes new reporting obligations on forced labour, and what it means for Canadian businesses.
Factors Considered by Courts When Appointing An Arbitrator: The Arbitrator Must be Ready to “Hit the Ground Running”
May 2, 2023The decision of the ONSC in Van Doorn v. Loopstra Nixon, 2023 ONSC 1782 provides a helpful overview of a Court's considerations when appointing an arbitrator.
Plan for the Ban: New Consultation Launched for Plastics Labelling Framework and Federal Plastics Registry
Apr 26, 2023A discussion on the federal consultations on plastics labelling and registry requirements.
The Fisheries Act – Not just for fishermen!
Apr 21, 2023This bulletin discusses the application of the Fisheries Act, a federal environmental statute whose far-reaching scope is often
The Polluter Does Not Always Pay: Environmental Liability of Property Owners
Apr 18, 2023We explore the three primary situations in which a landowner can be held civilly liable for environmental contamination on or sourced in its property.
Canada’s Budget 2023: Compromise and Competition – Climate, Carbon and CCfDs
Mar 29, 2023An update on Canada’s Budget 2023 and the future of carbon contracts for differences (CCfDs) in Canada.
Settlement Counsel – valuable addition to the dispute-resolution toolkit
Mar 28, 2023Settlement Counsel is litigation counsel engaged for the sole purpose of resolving a dispute or settling a case.
Québec Industrial Establishments Face Substantial Increase To Environmental Discharge Fees
Mar 15, 2023This bulletin provides an overview of certain regulatory amendments that would increase fees for Québec industrial establishments.
Broadening the Environmental Enforcement Toolkit: Ontario Expands Administrative Monetary Penalty Regime for Environmental Violations
Feb 28, 2023Ontario is broadening its existing administrative monetary penalties (AMPs) regime for environmental violations.
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