Trademark (not) Assigned
Feb 4, 2020An executed assignment agreement is not necessarily determinative of whether a trademark has truly been transferred from one party to another.
Compensation for the Employee Inventor
Oct 28, 2019A Canadian business with foreign operations need to be aware that it may have to pay compensation to inventors they employ in other countries.
Now We Know Who Owns the Copyright in a Registered Plan of Survey
Oct 1, 2019The bulletin considers the Supreme Court of Canada's decision that the copyright in a plan of survey registered in Ontario is owned by the Ontario government.
What Every Owner of a Registered Canadian Trademark Needs to Know
Sep 23, 2019The bulletin describes steps that will ensure that trademark owners are able to maintain their trademark registrations
Last Chance for Late National Phase Entry into Canada
Aug 9, 2019It is official - Canada's new Patent Rules will come into force on October 30, 2019.
TOP TWELVE THINGS TO KNOW – New Canadian Trademarks Act June 17, 2019
Jun 4, 2019On June 17, 2019 major changes to Canada’s Trademarks Act will come into force.
Trademark “Use” in the Normal Course of Trade: Revisited
May 14, 2019The recent Federal Court of Appeal decision in Cosmetic Warriors Limited v Riches, McKenzie & Herbert LLP [1] ("Cosmetic Warriors") revisits what constitutes “use” of a trademark in the normal course of trade.
Protecting Your Trademarks in the World of Online Retail Platforms
Apr 13, 2019In the digital age, many vendors have expanded beyond brick and mortar shops and now sell their goods and services online.
Trademarks: Material Misstatements in Declarations of Use Revisited
Jan 18, 2019The impact of misstatements in a declaration of use was recently revisited in the decision of Roots Corporation v. YM Inc. (Sales), 2019 FC 16
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