COVID-19: July 22nd Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Jul 22, 2020Status update (July 22, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
Managing Construction Risk in 2020 and Beyond – The Pursuit of Success and the Art of Avoiding the Train Wreck
Jul 21, 2020Understanding how these relationships develop through contractual language, the construction process itself, and the resolution of disputes positions parties to allocate risk effectively, build strong relationships, and complete projects successfully.
Ontario Superior Court of Justice Sends Ontario Construction Employers Back to the Drawing Board
Jul 13, 2020The Ontario Superior Court of Justice provides guidance on enforceability of termination provision for Ontario construction employees.
Construction Trusts Can Apply to Funds Received by CCAA Monitor: the Court of Appeal’s Decision in Urbancorp
Jul 13, 2020There is good news from the Ontario Court of Appeal for contractors dealing with insolvent owners
The LPAT and the New “Ontario Land Tribunals” Cluster
Jul 6, 2020The New Ontario Land Tribunals Cluster and moving forward with hearings at the LPAT.
COVID-19: July 6th Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Jul 6, 2020Status update (July 6, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing
applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
Construction through COVID-19 in Canada: A Guideline for what each Province and Territory is Doing
Jun 11, 2020How each Province is managing the impact of COVID-19 by restricting construction activities, suspending litigation time periods and recommending H&S practices
COVID-19: June 3rd Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Jun 3, 2020Status update (June 3, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
Ontario Provides Employers with Temporary Relief from COVID-Related Termination Risks
Jun 1, 2020Ontario introduces creative measures (O. Reg. 228/20) to the Covid-related temporary lay off dilemma.
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