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Significant Expansion of Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protections amid COVID-19: What you need to know

Jul 15, 2020

Bill 188 made significant amendments to PHIPA, which affect technology companies, and potentially insurers, who provide access to personal health information.


Federal Court Defends CASL, Says Prohibition on Spam is Constitutional

Jul 1, 2020

he FCA ruled that CASL's provisions relating to the regulation of commercial electronic messages are constitutional, despite challenge from CompuFinder


Ontario Small Businesses Get a New Ride on the Digital Main Street

Jun 24, 2020

Review of the Ontario Digital Main Street initiative and new funding introduced by the government to assist businesses pivoting to an ecommerce business model.


Material Adverse Effect Clauses in a COVID-19 World

Jun 23, 2020

Review and analysis of recent developments where parties try to rely on MAE clauses as a mechanism to avoid closing a transaction.


Making B.C. an Emerging Economy Leader

Jun 23, 2020

Review of the BC Emerging Economy Task Force Report and how BC companies can position themselves to take advantage of the emerging economy of the future.


June 10, 2020 Update: Innovating During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jun 10, 2020

This bulletin provides a summary of funding opportunities available in Canada over the month of June and updates
from CIPO and the USPTO.


Implied Trademark Licenses: A Case Study

Apr 12, 2020

When will a trademark license granted from one party to another be implied?  The Federal Court in the Core Consultants Realty[1] decision (“Core Consultants”) recently had an opportunity to revisit this question.


Unbearable Lite-ness: Lenders’ Remedies in the Age of Missing Covenants

Mar 23, 2020

The author discusses the recent trend toward borrower-friendly loan documents and the remedies available to lenders in Canada.


Can I Tell You Something in Confidence?” Legal Privilege in M&A Transactions

Jan 22, 2020

The authors discuss challenges to maintaining legal privilege in M&A transactions. Parties in Ontario can learn from the experience of other jurisdictions.