Exclusion Clauses Prevail: Supreme Court of Canada Defers to Contracts
Aug 27, 2024The SCC has clarified when and how companies can contract out of the implied warranties and conditions set out in the Sale of Goods Act.
Tariffs, Trade, and Economic Security: Insights on Canada’s Latest Consultation
Aug 21, 2024On August 9, 2024, Global Affairs Canada initiated a 45-day public consultation process focused on safeguarding and enhancing Canada's economic security.
Understanding Privacy Policies: Clarifying What They Are Not, and Avoiding Common Misconceptions
Aug 21, 2024In this bulletin, we explain what a privacy policy is by looking at what it is not.
Overview of the Canadian Legal Framework Relative to Artificial Intelligence Systems Following the Adoption of the AI Act in Europe
Aug 9, 2024This article provides you with an overview of the Canadian legal landscape relative to AI systems following the adoption of the AI Act in Europe.
Canada’s Updated Draft PFAS Report: The Latest on The Emerging Regulation of “Forever Chemicals”
Aug 2, 2024Updated Draft PFAS Report and Revised Risk Management Report published by the Canadian government on the future regulation of PFAS.
Charging Forward on Tariffs: The Government of Canada Launches Consultations on Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles
Jul 3, 2024This move underscores the government's commitment to addressing a series of alleged unfair trade practices and protecting Canadian workers and EV supply chains.
Updated Bill 96 Regulations – In the End, Status Quo Mostly Prevails, Except When it Comes to Size
Jul 3, 2024On June 26, 2024, a Regulation was published, aiming to clarify and complement certain amendments made to the Charter of the French Language under Bill 96
Plan for the Ban – Construction Industry Targeted in Canada’s Federal Plastics Registry
Jun 27, 2024This bulletin discusses construction industry reporting requirements under the Federal Plastics Registry and who in the industry is obligated to report.
Sanctions Enforcement Rising: Border Seizures and Forfeitures, Administrative Penalties and a New Reporting Obligation for Sanctions Evasion Offences
Jun 13, 2024Changes to Canada’s sanctions regime under Bill C-59 will add reporting requirements for importers/exporters, create AMPs, and grant new CBSA seizure powers.
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