Industry Committee Expands Scope of National Security Powers and Other ICA Updates
Oct 3, 2023New proposed changes to Investment Canada Act include significant new rules for state-owned enterprises, asset acquisitions, and net-benefit test.
New Mandatory Reporting Requirement for Businesses: Canada’s Modern Anti-Slavery Bill Becomes Law
May 3, 2023Canada imposes new reporting obligations on forced labour, and what it means for Canadian businesses.
Caught in the Sanctions Crossfire: Canada’s Proposed New Control Test Has Broad Repercussions on Businesses with Any Nexus to Russia
Apr 26, 2023Proposed "deemed ownership" test under Canadian sanctions laws and convergence of AML and sanctions regulation in Canada.
Change is in the Air: Government of Canada proposing changes to Air Passenger Protection Regulations
Mar 29, 2023The Canadian federal government announced its intention to make significant reforms to strengthen the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (“APPR”).
Rush Order – Government of Canada Invokes Urgent Operational Requirements to Justify Quick Purchases of Military Goods
Mar 10, 2023Canada's Defence Minister invokes Urgent Operational Requirements in Eastern Europe to buy military hardware using an exceptional procurement mechanism
Canada Expands Sanctions on Russia and Proposes Broad Legislative Changes to its Sanctions Regime
Jun 1, 2022An overview of two further rounds of Canadian sanctions against Russia as well as amendments that would strengthen Canada’s sanctions regime.
Wind-up and Hang-up: China Mobile’s Motion to stay an ICA Order Pending Judicial Review Dismissed
Jan 10, 2022Analyzing updates from an Investment Canada Act national security review case to provide key insights to investors into Canada.
Attention Federally Regulated Employers – Canada’s Pay Equity Act Takes Effect August 31, 2021
Aug 3, 2021The Pay Equity Act, requiring federally regulated employers to develop a comprehensive pay equity plan, takes effect on August 31, 2021
New Workplace Harassment and Violence Requirements for Federally Regulated Employees Now in Effect
Jan 4, 2021As of January 1, 2021, federally regulated employers must comply with new requirements imposed by the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations
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