Clearing the Cache: BC Court Orders for Return of Data in Privacy Breach Dispute
Jul 8, 2024A recent BCSC decision provides an example of a remedy that a public body may seek if personal information in their custody is obtained without authorization.
Employee Snooping and Fireable Offences
Join our thought leaders, Ioana Pantis and Robbie Grant, on Thursday, July 18, 2024 for a practical discussion on employee snooping in the workplace.
The Customer is Always Right: Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds Dismissal for Frustration When Customer Requirements Change
Jul 3, 2024The Customer is Always Right: Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds Dismissal for Frustration When Customer Requirements Change
Accommodations or Undue Hardship? Navigating Employee Requests vs. Employer Limits
Jun 26, 2024The BCHRT provides guidance for employers faced with unreasonable requests to accommodate employees that would force the employers to experience undue hardship.
AI and Workplace DEI Initiatives: Opportunities and Challenges
Jun 25, 2024Though AI can help support the development of more inclusive workplaces, the use of AI in furtherance of DEI initiatives is not without risks.
BC Court of Appeal Improves Predictability for Employers Relying on Termination Provisions
Jun 19, 2024In a recent decision, the BCCA provides the clarity sought by employers and employees alike for what is needed for an enforceable termination provision.
Part Three of McMillan’s R. vs Greater Sudbury Webinar
As a follow up to our first two webinars back in December 2023 and February 2024 where we considered the history, details and legal implications of the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in R. v. Greater Sudbury.
BC Human Rights Tribunal Questions Enforceability of Release
May 29, 2024This bulletin addresses the enforceability of releases signed following a termination and reiterates best practices for obtaining an enforceable release.
Proposed Changes to Employment in Ontario: Working for Workers Five Act, 2024
May 28, 2024This bulletin discuss new employer obligations proposed in Bill 190, the Working for Workers Five Act, 2024.
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