Reverse Vesting Orders – A Powerful Tool for Maximizing Recovery in Complex Insolvencies
May 19, 2021How reverse vesting orders (RVOs) offer another tool for realizing value for stakeholders in Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) proceedings.
Commercial Leases During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Where are we Headed?
May 17, 2021Ontario has also passed legislation to protect commercial tenants.
End of the Bellatrix GasEDI Saga Marks Beginning of Market Fallout
May 5, 2021The Alberta Court of Appeal's dismissal of Bellatrix's appeal leaves substantial uncertainty for natural gas market and all derivatives counterparties.
Commercial Landlord and Tenant Insolvencies: The Need to Know for Sub-tenants
Apr 13, 2021As the COVID-19 pandemic continues on, it is particularly important for sub-tenants and landlords to consider the ramifications of an insolvent head-tenant.
Supreme Court of Canada Confirms: Hypothecary Notices In Québec Receiverships Are Here To Stay
Apr 6, 2021Supreme Court of Canada confirms: hypothecary notices in Québec receiverships are here to stay.
iAnthus Decision Changes the Landscape for Corporate Plans of Arrangement under the BCBCA by Permitting Third-Party Releases
Feb 23, 2021The iAnthus decision affirmed by the Court of Appeal holds that a British Columbia company can use the BCBCA to restructure and obtain 3rd party releases.
Best Practices for Commercial Landlords Facing Tenant Insolvencies
Feb 4, 2021Many commercial landlords are increasingly alarmed that COVID-19 may cause a surge in tenant bankruptcies or restructurings.
A Win for Landlords: Letters of Credit and the Autonomy Principle
Jan 4, 2021Five takeaways from 7636156 Canada Inc. (Re), 2020 ONCA 681.
You should have said something: Supreme Court of Canada Holds That Failure to Correct a Mistaken Belief Violated the Duty of Honest Contractual Performance
Dec 23, 2020The authors discuss the Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision in C.M. Callow Inc. v. Tammy Zollinger et. al. regarding the duty of faith.
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