You Can’t Get There From Here: Vaccination Mandates in the Transportation Sector
Nov 29, 2021Federal government announces details of mandatory vaccination for air, marine and rail travellers
Mandatory Vaccination Policy: “Reasonable, Enforceable”
Nov 11, 2021A labour arbitrator upheld an employer’s mandatory vaccination policy, finding the policy to be reasonable and enforceable.
Privacy Commissioner Releases More Guidance for Video Teleconferencing Companies
Nov 3, 2021Video teleconferencing companies face unique cybersecurity and data privacy risks. The OPC has new guidance on how these companies can best address them.
Clipping Wings and Stalling Engines: The proposed Canadian federal luxury tax raises issues for vendors, manufacturers, service providers and consumers
Aug 24, 2021Proposed Canadian federal luxury tax raises issues for the aviation, automotive and boat industries
Attention Federally Regulated Employers – Canada’s Pay Equity Act Takes Effect August 31, 2021
Aug 3, 2021The Pay Equity Act, requiring federally regulated employers to develop a comprehensive pay equity plan, takes effect on August 31, 2021
Amendments to the OHSA Consolidate Reporting Requirements for Workplace Accidents Effective July 1, 2021
Jun 30, 2021The Ontario government introduced amendments to Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to consolidate accident reporting requirements.
ICMA Green Bond Principles Undergo Minor Facelift
Jun 17, 2021Legal news bulletin discussing recent changes to ICMA Green Bond Principles.
Canadian Privacy Commissioners Issue Joint Guidance on Vaccine Passports
May 25, 2021Commissioners warn that privacy considerations must be “front and centre” as organizations develop and implement vaccine passports in the coming months
Closing the Gap: New Proactive Pay Equity Rules for Federally Regulated Employers
Apr 27, 2021Guidance on employers' obligations under the new federal Pay Equity Act and its associated regulations, expected to take effect in late 2021.
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