Budget 2024: New Measures Addressing Bonus Tax Depreciation and Crypto-Assets
Apr 19, 2024Budget 2024 announced new measures to accelerate tax depreciation as well as certain measures applicable to crypto-asset investments.
Warning For Businesses: Companies Can be Liable for Tort of Bribery Even if They Did Not Intend to Pay or Receive a Bribe
Apr 12, 2024Businesses with a duty to provide impartial advice must take steps to ensure the payments they make or receive are not later interpreted as bribes.
Sidestepping Contracts: The Expansion of Environmental Liability Where The Contractor Is Not Paid
Apr 12, 2024B.C. Court’s decision in Cordy Environmental Inc v Obsidian Energy Ltd opens the door for contractors to sue former owners/operators of contaminated sites.
Administrative Monetary Penalties: Regulators “AMP-ing” up the Pressure on Businesses
Mar 19, 2024Administrative Monetary Penalties are increasingly used to sanction regulatory non-compliance in Canada. What are they and what should you do if faced with one?
The Latest Risk to the BC Natural Resource Sector: Government Uses Little Known Law to Freeze Mining Rights Unless First Nations Consent
Mar 11, 2024BC's government has issued unprecedented orders, to prohibit mining activity in certain areas, unless First Nations consent.
Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Illegal Invasion of Ukraine: New Sanctions Designations and Expansion of Export Prohibitions
Feb 28, 2024To coincide with the two-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Canada announced new sanctions and financial reporting obligations.
Plan for the Ban: Canada’s Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations Remain in Effect Pending the Federal Court of Appeal Decision
Feb 6, 2024The Court granted a stay to the decision in Responsible Plastic Use Coalition v Canada pending the appeal.
What to Expect: The Federal Clean Energy Regulations
Jan 31, 2024The Government of Canada has announced plans to implement clean energy regulations. What does this mean for the industry?
BC Government Consulting on New Law to Give Indigenous Groups Control over Crown Land Decisions
Jan 24, 2024The Government of BC is seeking to amend the Land Act to provide decision making power over Crown land to Indigenous groups.
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