Challenges and Opportunities for Canadian Investors in Brazilian Insolvency Proceedings: Lessons from the IBA’s 2019 Global Restructuring Conference
Jan 21, 2020The authors discuss unique aspects of Brazil's insolvency regime relevant for Canadian investors, including the role of equity, DIP loans, and jurisdiction.
Amendments to the CCAA, BIA and CBCA Now in Force
Nov 19, 2019Authors discuss changes in 2019 to Canadian corporate and restructuring statutes and their possible implications for insolvency practice in Canada
Alberta Court of Appeal Ranks CCAA Super-priority Charges Ahead of CRA’s Deemed Trust, but Uncertainty Remains
Oct 22, 2019Alberta Court of Appeal held super-priority charges granted in a Companies' Creditor Arrangement Act proceeding may take priority over statutory deemed trusts claims advanced by the Crown
Court Counsels Engagement with Creditor before Ruling on Proofs of Claim
Sep 16, 2019Court offers guidance on approach to an appeal from a notice of disallowance or determination of a claim by a trustee under section s. 135(4) of the BIA.
Supreme Court of Canada Denies Leave to Appeal in “Virginia Hills” Linear Property Tax Case: Northern Sunrise County, et al. v. Bank of Nova Scotia, et al., 2019 SCC 38587
Sep 4, 2019The Supreme Court has confirmed that the Alberta Municipal Government Act does not grant a municipality a special lien for unpaid linear property taxes.
Canadian Corporate & Restructuring Legislation: Changes Could be on the Way
May 10, 2019Bill C-97 (the “Bill”) was introduced in Parliament to implement the federal budget tabled by the Liberal government on March 19, 2019.
Alberta Court of Appeal Dismisses Property Tax Appeal: Municipalities are Not Secured Creditors for Taxes Assessed on Pipelines, Wells and Other Linear Property
Mar 14, 2019The Alberta Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal brought by three municipalities (the "Municipalities") seeking status as secured creditors entitled to special priority for payment of linear property taxes.
Environmental Obligations Cannot be Ignored Even in Bankruptcy: Orphan Wells Association v Grant Thornton Ltd.
Feb 22, 2019Environmental Obligations Cannot be Ignored Even in Bankruptcy
Supreme Court of Canada Allows Redwater Appeal: Regulator entitled to super-priority for abandonment and reclamation costs
Jan 31, 2019Supreme Court of Canada Allows Redwater Appeal: Regulator entitled to super-priority for abandonment and reclamation costs
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