LIBOR Newsflash: Announcement on Official Cessation of LIBOR is Expected Soon
Feb 18, 2021IBA and FCA expected to make announcement about the official cessation of LIBOR. Timelines for ceasing new issuances of LIBOR loans.
Update: British Columbia’s New Registry of Beneficial Ownership
Oct 6, 2020Update: British Columbia's New Registry of Beneficial Ownership
Ontario Employers be Aware: New Mandatory Screening Requirements for Ontario Workplaces
Sep 30, 2020Employers should take immediate steps to implement the new mandatory COVID-19 screening requirements for Ontario workplaces.
COVID-19: July 22nd Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Jul 22, 2020Status update (July 22, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
Significant Expansion of Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protections amid COVID-19: What you need to know
Jul 15, 2020Bill 188 made significant amendments to PHIPA, which affect technology companies, and potentially insurers, who provide access to personal health information.
Ontario Superior Court of Justice Sends Ontario Construction Employers Back to the Drawing Board
Jul 13, 2020The Ontario Superior Court of Justice provides guidance on enforceability of termination provision for Ontario construction employees.
COVID-19: July 6th Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
Jul 6, 2020Status update (July 6, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing
applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
COVID-19: May 13th Update on the Impacts to Development Applications and Hearings
May 13, 2020Status update (May 13, 2020) re: land use planning and municipal response to COVID-19 in Ontario; processing applications, appeals, and municipal closures.
Pandemic and Epidemic Events: Addressing the Risk in P3 Projects
May 11, 2020Using the benefit of experience with the COVID-19 crisis to re-evaluate risk allocation for pandemics and epidemics in P3 projects.
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