Industrial Design Regime in Canada
Nov 20, 2023This is an overview of the Industrial Design Regime in Canada
Please Pay the Ferryman: OSC Seeks to Levy Additional Fees on Registered and Unregistered Crypto Asset Trading Platforms (CTPs)
Nov 16, 2023The OSC proposed amendments to OSC Rule 13-502 Fees and OSC Rule 13-503 (Commodity Futures Act) Fee and its impact on crypto asset trading platforms.
Canada’s Luxury Tax on Aircraft: A Primer for Non-Canadian Sellers and Brokers
Nov 15, 2023Outlines potential implications for non-Canadian parties to common aircraft transactions under the Canadian federal Luxury Tax.
CETA, TCA, CPTPP and CUKFTA – The Web of Trade Agreements Between Canada and the UK
Nov 15, 2023Canada and the UK will maintain a strong trade relationship and preferential market access through a complex and expansive web of trade agreements.
Ontario Court of Appeal Upholds 30-Month Notice Period
Nov 13, 2023Ontario’s Court of Appeal has upheld an astounding 30-month notice period awarded to a non-managerial employee with almost 40 years of service.
Enforcing Arbitration Agreements: Ontario Superior Court Raises a ‘Clause’ for Concern
Nov 8, 2023This bulletin discusses a recent decision that found that an arbitration clause that contracts out of applicable employment standards legislation is invalid.
Transparency for Talent: Proposed Legislation Would Mandate Salary Range and Artificial Intelligence Disclosure in Hiring Process
Nov 8, 2023Ontario will propose legislation aimed at providing additional transparency to Ontario workers, including salary ranges and use of artificial intelligence.
Environmental Obligations Trump Lenders: The Trend Continues
Nov 8, 2023Re Mantle Materials Group, Ltd continues a recent trend in Alberta in which environmental remediation obligations are found to have a super priority.
A New Intelligence Creeps into the Capital Markets
Nov 7, 2023On October 10, 2023, the OSC and EY jointly released a report on the use of artificial intelligence in Ontario's capital markets.
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