April 2023 Update: Amendments to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Regulations Provide Increased Deal Certainty for Commercial Real Estate Industry
Apr 4, 2023The Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”) and regulations (the “Regulations”) came into force on January 1, 2023.
Banks Beware of Fraud: BC Court of Appeal Considers Whether Financial Institutions Have a Duty to Warn Customers about Scams
Apr 4, 2023A decision of the British Columbia Court of Appeal suggests that financial institutions may have a duty to warn customers about financial scams.
Major changes proposed to Quebec’s land use planning and development regime: focus on environmental impacts
Apr 3, 2023This bulletin summarizes the proposed amendments to Quebec’s land use and development regime that have environmental implications.
Privacy Breaches in M&A Deals and the Importance of Data Security Diligence
Apr 3, 2023Data security issues pose risks to a transaction, but can be mitigated with effective data security diligence, and other contractual strategies.
Competing Claims for Construction Holdback – Whose Money is it, anyway?
Apr 1, 2023The Court reviews the application of trust claims to construction projects on Federal lands, and illustrates the importance of a carefully drafted contract.
Significant Amendments to CSE Policies come into force April 3, 2023
Mar 31, 2023On March 30, 2023, the Canadian Securities Exchange announced that it is implementing comprehensive policy amendments effective April 3, 2023.
Budget 2023: Clean Energy Incentives and Resource Sector Measures
Mar 31, 2023Budget 2023, announced by the Federal Government on March 28, 2023, contains several measures aimed at facilitating Canada’s transition to a net-zero economy
Budget 2023: An Expanded General Anti-Avoidance Rule is on the Horizon
Mar 31, 2023The Income Tax Act (Canada) contains a General Anti-Avoidance Rule that disallows tax benefits arising from certain tax-motivated transactions
Budget 2023: Alternative Minimum Tax
Mar 31, 2023Budget 2023 proposes the first major changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax (the “AMT”) since its introduction in 1986
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