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McMillan Lawyers Start Firm’s Medical Marijuana Industry Group
Desmond Balakrishnan and James Munro started the firm's first ever Medical Marijuana Industry Group at the tail-end of 2016.
Geoff Moysa discussed why flexible regulation of self-driving cars in Canada may make sense, for the National Post
Geoff Moysa discussed why flexible regulation of self-driving cars in Canada may make sense, for the National Post
Commercial Real Estate Lawyer Scott Martyn Joins McMillan’s Toronto office
Commercial real estate lawyer Scott Martyn joins McMillan's Toronto office
McMillan team discusses FinTech regulation and innovation in Best Law Firms 2017
McMillan team discusses FinTech regulation and innovation in Best Law Firms 2017
Transportation and Regulatory Lawyer Lucia Stuhldreier Joins McMillan’s Vancouver Office
Transportation and regulatory lawyer Lucia Stuhldreier joins McMillan's Vancouver Office
McMillan lawyers recognized in Lexpert’s Special Edition on Canada’s Leading Litigation Lawyers for 2016
McMillan lawyers recognized in Lexpert's Special Edition on Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers for 2016
Capital Markets Lawyer Leila Rafi Joins McMillan’s Toronto office
Capital Markets Lawyer Leila Rafi Joins McMillan's Toronto office
Vancouver Employment and Labour Seminar 2016
Vancouver Employment and Labour Seminar 2016
McMillan LLP Launches National Public Affairs Firm, McMillan Vantage Policy Group
McMillan LLP Launches National Public Affairs Firm, McMillan Vantage Policy Group
Greg McIlwain named one of Lexpert’s Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40
Greg McIlwain named one of Lexpert's Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40
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