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Timothy Cullen
Partner, Government & Public Policy | Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Francesca D’Aquila-Kelly
Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Shahnaz Dhanani
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Elayna Dushenski
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution | Restructuring & Insolvency
Adelaide Egan
Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Sidney Elbaz
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Yassin Gagnon-Djalo
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Mireille Germain
Partner, Employment and Labour Relations
Nadya Goorachurn
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Talia Gordner
Partner, Environment | Corporate Commercial Litigation
Samantha Gordon
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Glenn Grenier
Partner, Aviation | Construction & Infrastructure
Patrick Groom
Partner, Employment & Labour Relations
Laura Hamdan
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution