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Madeline Klimek
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Mitch Koczerginski
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution | Privacy & Data Protection
Anthony Labib
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Olivier Lajeunesse
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Kyle Lambert
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution | Employment & Labour Relations
Lucie Lanctuit
Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Eva Langrais
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Alexandra Levine
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Jeffrey Levine
Partner, Corporate Commercial Litigation
Scott Maidment
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Fernanda Martins
Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Shari Munk-Manel
Office Management Partner, Montréal
Partner | Employment & Labour Relations
Alexander Overton
Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency
Simon Paransky
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution