Developer-Friendly Changes Proposed for Ontario’s Record of Site Condition Regime
Dec 3, 2024Ontario is proposing to amend its Record of Site Condition legislation to streamline brownfield development and support other development projects.
Take Note – New Guidance Issued for Mandatory Supply Chain Reporting Requirements
Nov 26, 2024Public Safety Canada has released updated guidance to clarify and address questions relating to forced labour and child labour reporting requirements in 2025.
Environmental Law and Brownfield Redevelopment: Key Legal Issues and Solutions
This webinar will cover the benefits of choosing a brownfield property for redevelopment and strategies and best practices for overcoming common environmental challenges through the planning and construction stages of a project.
Bringing a Positive Charge Back to Ontario’s Housing Economy: Province & OEB Announce Efforts to Reduce Regulatory Barriers and Costs for Housing Developers
Nov 20, 2024The OEB has published a Notice of proposed amendments to the Distribution System Code to facilitate development of housing in Ontario.
Ontario Passes Amendments to Construction Act Following Independent Review
Nov 12, 2024On Nov 6, 2024, Bill 216 received Royal Assent, including amendments to Ontario's Construction Act, per recommendations following independent review of the Act
New Mont-Tremblant Green Tax Targets Building Construction
Nov 8, 2024A Québec municipality has just adopted a green tax that applies to new building construction, to offset the impact on carbon storage
The Quick and Dirty on MORE Amendments to Ontario’s Excess Soil Regulation
Nov 6, 2024When it comes to excess soil, the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks is no stranger to getting its hands dirty altering the regulations.
Towards a Shared Understanding: Canada’s New Sustainable Investment Guidelines & Mandated Climate Disclosures
Nov 4, 2024Canada’s New Sustainable Investment Guidelines (Taxonomy) & Mandated Climate Disclosures
Canada Proposes Stricter Supply Chain Requirements to Tackle Forced and Child Labour
Oct 30, 2024The Government of Canada has launched public consultations on expanding the import prohibition on goods produced by forced labour.
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