South Korea
With over 20 years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region, McMillan is uniquely skilled and experienced in representing clients from South Korea, Japan and China in a wide range of transactions, including inbound investments, joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions and international corporate expansions.
Our Korea Group is one of the biggest in Canada and regularly acts for Canadian subsidiaries of Korean entities in all aspects of their Canadian operations. Our clients turn to us for strategic advice and direction in respect of Canada’s legislative and regulatory framework, including foreign investment in a broad range of Canadian industries. Our extensive connections at all levels of government provide our clients with access to important decision-makers.
As part of a leading Canadian business law firm, the members of our Korea Group collectively represent all of our major key practice areas across a broad spectrum of industries including energy transitions, technology and eSports, natural resources and infrastructure. Most importantly, our team of lawyers and business professionals are knowledgeable about and understand Korean business, industry and culture, with Korean language fluency in multiple offices.
저희 법무법인이 제공하는 법률자문 서비스에 대하여 궁금하신 부분이 있다면 저희 한국팀원들에게 언제든 연락주시기 바랍니다.
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