Ada Ang
She | Her
Articling Student
Ada Ang is excited to return to McMillan as an articling student after a rewarding experience as a summer student last year.
Ada graduated from the Juris Doctor program at the Peter A. Allard School of Law (Allard) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). During her first year at Allard, she volunteered at the ID Support Clinic through a placement with Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC). She also served as Co-President of the Allard Law and Business Society and as the Student Representative for Thomson Reuters. Ada enjoyed her experience as a student clinician at Allard’s Business Law Clinic, where she provided legal services to small businesses and non-profit organizations.
As a law student, Ada has gained valuable legal and professional skills by working alongside lawyers at two in-house legal departments and spent her last semester of law school as an exchange student at Leiden University in the Netherlands.
Prior to law school, Ada obtained a Bachelor of Sciences at UBC with a major in Microbiology and Immunology (MBIM), graduating with distinction. A few highlights of her undergraduate experience include publishing two research papers and presenting her findings at the 2020 and 2021 MBIM Research Symposium.
In her spare time, she enjoys figure skating, playing the piano and trying new restaurants. She is also a big musical theatre fan! Her favourite musical theatre experience thus far is watching Wicked at London’s West End.
In LifeLabs LP v. Information and Privacy Commr. (Ontario), the court clarified the limited scope of legal privilege in the context of data breaches.
In Steelhead LNG (ASLNG) Ltd. v. Arc Resources Ltd., the Court discussed what constitutes "use" of a patented invention in the context of patent infringement.
McMillan Vancouver's Litigation & Dispute Resolution Group comments on current disputes trends.
Implications for law enforcement and private online companies responding to law enforcement requests for IP address information following R v. Bykovets.
In Taillefer v. Canada (AG), the Federal Court considered the scope of the “due care” standard regarding the payment of annual patent maintenance fees.
The ability to glean personal information from both anonymized and aggregated data creates a risk of re-identification.
Government of Canada's request-for-proposal for the Venture Capital Catalyst Initiative, providing $450 million in funds to the venture capital sector.
BC Government passed the Anti-Racism Data Act to safely collect demographic information to address gaps in BC programs and services.
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