Marble, columns and stairs
Jun 1, 2013

Public Mobile Inc. (“Public Mobile”), a telecommunication company headquartered in Toronto and operating a wireless network in Québec and Ontario, was acquired by Thomvest Seed Capital Inc. (“Thomvest”), a Toronto-based investment vehicle of Peter J. Thomson, and Cartesian Capital Group, a New York-based private equity firm. The acquisition received the continuing support of ZTE Corporation and the Export-Import Bank of China.

Public Mobile was represented by Bob Boron, its Senior Vice President and Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer, and by McMillan LLP in connection with the acquisition with a team led by Charles Chevrette (Business Law) and Stephanie Robinson (Financial Services). The team included Enda Wong, Wayne Gray and Bruce McWilliam (Business Law), Clifton Jarin (Financial Services), Neil Campbell and Devin Anderson (Competition & Antitrust), and Michael Friedman and Carl Irvine (Tax).