Canadian businesses should prepare for US tariffs, set for March 4, 2025, by considering availability of duty drawbacks and remission applications.
To prepare for potential US tariffs, businesses should immediately develop a strategy to deal with the prospect of new US tariffs and mitigate their effects.
The bulletin highlights key elements of the Competition Bureau's draft greenwashing guidelines in respect of June 2024 amendments to the Competition Act.
On Monday, the Government of Canada released the 2024 Fall Economic Statement, proposing substantial reforms to the national sanctions and AML regimes.
Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering Overhaul Gets Serious: New Players, More Rules and Broad Reports
As of September 3, 2024, the Government has new powers it can use when conducting national security reviews under the Investment Canada Act
On August 9, 2024, Global Affairs Canada initiated a 45-day public consultation process focused on safeguarding and enhancing Canada's economic security.
Analyzing the Competition Bureau's preliminary guidelines describing its approach for challenging competitor "property controls" in commercial leases
The Competition Act's amendments to Canada's merger review regime are significant, and merging parties should take note.
Guidance on the amendments to the deceptive marketing practices provisions in the Competition Act designed to "crack down" on "greenwashing".
This move underscores the government's commitment to addressing a series of alleged unfair trade practices and protecting Canadian workers and EV supply chains.
Bill C-59 has been enacted, introducing significant changes to all aspects of Canada’s competition law regime.
Global Affairs Canada has, for the first time, released guidance on the application of economic sanctions in Canada, including to non-Canadian persons.
Bill C-34 amends the Investment Canada Act to enhance the government of Canada's national security review powers.
On March 1, 2024, the Canadian government introduced new policies to increase scrutiny of foreign investments in Canada's Interactive Digital Media sector.
Providing updates on the 2024 merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act.
Bill C-56, the Affordable Housing and Groceries Act, part of the federal government’s efforts to overhaul the Competition Act, has received Royal Assent.
The 24th edition of Lexology GTDT’s Cartel Regulation is the most current and comprehensive source of information about cartel laws and enforcement around the world.
We provide a summary of far-reaching Competition Act amendments proposed in 2023.
Canada-Taiwan FIPA Latest Milestone in Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy.
The European Union's pathbreaking Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism expects Canadian exporters to closely monitor their embedded carbon in exported goods.
FCA decision on the Secure/Tervita merger confirmed the Competition Tribunal's earlier treatment of the efficiencies defence under s. 96 of the Competition Act.
Canada's sanctions regime target Russian telecom companies MTS and MegaFon, raising policy considerations surrounding enforcement and General Permits.
The EU's new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism will take effect on October 1, 2023. McMillan explores the CBAM and its implications for Canadian trade.
Proposed "deemed ownership" test under Canadian sanctions laws and convergence of AML and sanctions regulation in Canada.
Canada continues to impose sanctions against additional countries, including Sri Lanka, Haiti, and Myanmar, and joins the G7 Enforcement Coordination Mechanism.
The 23rd edition of Lexology GTDT’s Cartel Regulation provides comprehensive information about cartel laws and enforcement around the world.
Canada, in a first for G7 states, seeks seizure & forfeiture of sanctioned oligarch's assets for use in compensation & reconstruction of Ukraine.
Canada announces new Indo-Pacific Strategy, applies to join Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, and what it all means for Canadian businesses.
The government’s approach to reviewing foreign investment is evolving, with an increased focus on national security concerns.
Federal Court of Appeal confirms an important limitation on the scope of the conspiracy offence, but raises uncertainty about the standard on motions to strike.
Canada continues to update its sanctions relating to Russia, Ukraine, and Iran. It will also implement a price cap on Russian oil as part of a G7 initiative.
Canada has targeted Russia and Belarus with a series of further economic sanctions with asset seizure.
New amendments to the Competition Act were passed today as part of the budget implementation bill.
A description of the June 6, 2022 Canadian sanctions against Russia.
An overview of two further rounds of Canadian sanctions against Russia as well as amendments that would strengthen Canada’s sanctions regime.
The Canadian federal government has introduced a series of significant changes to Canada's Competition Act.
The third volume of the Competition Inspections in 21 Jurisdictions brings together distinguished practitioners from around the world to provide an in-depth analysis of the legal and practical aspects of competition inspections.
An update on Canada’s sanctions measures in response to military actions taken by Russia against Ukraine.
Investments by Russian investors will be subject to enhanced scrutiny and prolonged timelines.
An update on Canada’s sanctions measures in response to military actions taken by Russia against Ukraine.
On February 24, 2022, Canada imposed additional sanctions in response to military actions taken by Russia against Ukraine. The Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations[1] and the Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations[2] came into force immediately on their day of publication.
Updates readers concerning the 2022 Canadian merger filing thresholds under the Competition Act and the Investment Canada Act.
Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulations 2022 provides a detailed explanation of how cartel regimes work in practice, including recent developments over the past year and an overview of future changes expected in each jurisdiction.
Canada recently announced it will proceed with free trade agreement negotiations with ASEAN member countries, expanding opportunity for trade and investment.
The European Commission announced its official proposal for a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on July 14, 2021.
Border Carbon Adjustments are being explored by various countries including Canada in its 2021 Budget to support climate change initiatives.
As the world grapples with the unprecedented health and economic challenges arising from the corona virus pandemic, competition law enforcement agencies will have further challenges in deploying scarce resources.
The 2021 updates to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control 2021
In response to COVID-19, Canada has temporarily extended three key time periods for national security reviews under the Investment Canada Act.
This article identifies key sectoral and other changes to the NAFTA, which will come into effect on July 1, 2020 through the implementation of the CUSMA.
In its April 18, 2020 COVID-19 policy statement, the government of Canada dramatically expanded the breadth and depth of its review of foreign investments.
The 2020 updates to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
Cartel activity is the top enforcement priority for virtually every competition agency. Leniency programs continue to evolve and coordination between agencies on international cases is increasing.
Canadian Competition Act and Investment Canada Act
2020 Canadian Chapter of Lexology GTDT - Merger Control provides the most current and comprehensive information available on mergers and acquisitions under antitrust and competition law in Canada.
On May 2, 2019, after 22 years of semi-annual deferrals by multiple presidents, the United States brought Title III of its Helms-Burton Act into force.
This 19th edition of Cartel Regulation provides the most current and comprehensive information available about anti-cartel laws and enforcement around the world.
The 2019 increases to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
The 2019 Canadian Chapter of Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control provides current and comprehensive information on mergers and acquisitions in Canada.
On July 1, 2018, Canada imposed surtaxes on steel, aluminum, as well as certain consumer and other products from the United States.
The Government of Canada's decision to reject the proposed acquisition of Aecon, a major Canadian construction services firm, by China Communications
Anti-Cartel laws are pillars of competition regime with unilateral conduct provisions and merger control. The 2018 Cartel Regulation provides information about anti-cartel laws and enforcement
The 2018 increases to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
January 2018, Canadian government announced it will sign the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership also referred as "TPP-11".
Several proposed revisions to Immunity Program under the Competition Act will have unintended but serious consequence of decreasing applications for immunity
Foreign Corruption: Canada Makes "Facilitation Payments" Illegal
2017 Canadian Merger Notification Threshold Increases
Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation 2017
Government of Canada Provides Valuable Guidance on National Security Review of Foreign Investment in Canada
Getting the Deal Through – Merger Control 2018 (Canada Chapter)
Foreign Corruption: Canada's Top Court Shields Top Bank and Whistleblowers
Our expert faculty will provide their "lessons learned" and best practices for general counsel, in-house lawyers, compliance and risk management professionals dealing with these everyday challenges.
December 2, 2015 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
This article was published in Business Law International (September 2015)
Canadas Updated Procurement Integrity Regime: Equal Parts Déjà Vu and New
Changes to Investment Canada Act Thresholds, Filing Requirements, and National Security Review Thresholds
UPDATED: Canada Expands Economic Sanctions and Targets Russian Energy Sector
Federal Government Tightens Procurement Integrity Provisions
Corporate directors beware - Canada passes tough amendments to anti-corruption legislation
Changes to Investment Canada Act implemented
Canada proceeds with promised changes to foreign investment review
Canada Gets Tough on Foreign Corrupt Practices
cooperating firm agrees to penalty equal to 5 times the amount of foreign bribe
Canada makes changes to Investment Canada regime
leniency applicants now debarred from federal procurement
Canada continues to welcome foreign investment with Investment Canada Act changes
New abuse of dominance enforcement guidelines
Foreign corruption compliance: should you have an anti-bribery compliance program?