The bulletin highlights key elements of the Competition Bureau's draft greenwashing guidelines in respect of June 2024 amendments to the Competition Act.
As of September 3, 2024, the Government has new powers it can use when conducting national security reviews under the Investment Canada Act
Analyzing the Competition Bureau's preliminary guidelines describing its approach for challenging competitor "property controls" in commercial leases
The Competition Act's amendments to Canada's merger review regime are significant, and merging parties should take note.
Guidance on the amendments to the deceptive marketing practices provisions in the Competition Act designed to "crack down" on "greenwashing".
Bill C-59 has been enacted, introducing significant changes to all aspects of Canada’s competition law regime.
Bill C-34 amends the Investment Canada Act to enhance the government of Canada's national security review powers.
On March 1, 2024, the Canadian government introduced new policies to increase scrutiny of foreign investments in Canada's Interactive Digital Media sector.
Providing updates on the 2024 merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act.
Bill C-56, the Affordable Housing and Groceries Act, part of the federal government’s efforts to overhaul the Competition Act, has received Royal Assent.
The 24th edition of Lexology GTDT’s Cartel Regulation is the most current and comprehensive source of information about cartel laws and enforcement around the world.
We provide a summary of far-reaching Competition Act amendments proposed in 2023.
Bill C-56 introduces amendments to the Competition Act, which are described as addressing rising grocery prices, but which have much broader implications.
Join us to explore key developments in Canadian competition and foreign investment law. Topics will include new no-poach / wage-fixing offence, Investment Canada Developments, technology markets, greenwashing, class action developments, upcoming Competition Act amendments and more!
Thursday, October 5, 2023
FCA decision on the Secure/Tervita merger confirmed the Competition Tribunal's earlier treatment of the efficiencies defence under s. 96 of the Competition Act.
How new criminal prohibitions on wage-fixing and no-poaching agreements under the Competition Act may impact your franchise agreement
Providing insights on the Competition Bureau’s 2023 Guidelines describing the Bureau’s approach to wage-fixing and no-poaching agreements.
The 23rd edition of Lexology GTDT’s Cartel Regulation provides comprehensive information about cartel laws and enforcement around the world.
New amendments to the Competition Act were passed today as part of the budget implementation bill.
New proposed amendments to the Competition Act will criminalize agreements between employers regarding wages, working conditions and hiring practices.
The Canadian federal government has introduced a series of significant changes to Canada's Competition Act.
Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulations 2022 provides a detailed explanation of how cartel regimes work in practice, including recent developments over the past year and an overview of future changes expected in each jurisdiction.
On May 6, 2021, the Competition Bureau released updates to its Competitor Collaboration Guidelines.
On March 24, 2021, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry announced that the government updated its National Security Guidelines.
On February 24, 2021, the Competition Bureau concluded its investigation into alleged misleading advertising by FlightHub by way of a consent agreement.
As the world grapples with the unprecedented health and economic challenges arising from the corona virus pandemic, competition law enforcement agencies will have further challenges in deploying scarce resources.
On November 27, 2020, the Competition Bureau clarified its view that the criminal cartel provisions of the Competition Act do not apply to buy-side agreements.
The new cooperation framework will enhance the Canadian Competition Bureau's ability to cooperate with foreign competition agencies.
The Competition Bureau recently released a draft revision of the Competition Collaboration Guidelines and is
inviting comments in a public consultation.
On June 1, 2020, the CTA issued the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations Application Exemption Order.
The Competition Bureau's review of the CN/H&R highlights its attention to non-notifiable deals, its use of oral examinations and the efficiencies defence.
Recognizing the need to provide certainty to the business community during the COVID crisis, the Competition Bureau is ready to provide guidance.
The current COVID-19 crisis is having a significant impact on businesses all across Canada.
On October 11, 2019, the Competition Tribunal dismissed the Competition Bureau's abuse of dominance allegations
against Vancouver Airport Authority.
Foreign Investment in Canada is subject to review for National Security concerns. Our Brief outlines common issues which investors may wish to consider in planning transactions