The Competition Bureau's recent announcement about a grocer agreeing to remove a exclusive/restrictive covenant raises more questions than answers.
The bulletin highlights key elements of the Competition Bureau's draft greenwashing guidelines in respect of June 2024 amendments to the Competition Act.
Commenting on the Competition Bureau's FAQs describing how the Bureau will enforce the amended merger and reviewable conduct provisions of the Competition Act.
As of September 3, 2024, the Government has new powers it can use when conducting national security reviews under the Investment Canada Act
Analyzing the Competition Bureau's preliminary guidelines describing its approach for challenging competitor "property controls" in commercial leases
The Competition Act's amendments to Canada's merger review regime are significant, and merging parties should take note.
Guidance on the amendments to the deceptive marketing practices provisions in the Competition Act designed to "crack down" on "greenwashing".
Bill C-59 has been enacted, introducing significant changes to all aspects of Canada’s competition law regime.
The Affordable Housing and Groceries Act (Bill C-56) recently introduced changes to the Competition Act (Canada) which will govern all landlord and tenant leases and other agreements, not just those of grocery stores
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Bill C-34 amends the Investment Canada Act to enhance the government of Canada's national security review powers.
On March 1, 2024, the Canadian government introduced new policies to increase scrutiny of foreign investments in Canada's Interactive Digital Media sector.
Providing updates on the 2024 merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act.
The 2024 Canadian Chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control provides the most current and comprehensive information available on mergers and acquisitions under antitrust and competition law in Canada.
Bill C-56, the Affordable Housing and Groceries Act, part of the federal government’s efforts to overhaul the Competition Act, has received Royal Assent.
We provide a summary of far-reaching Competition Act amendments proposed in 2023.
Bill C-56 introduces amendments to the Competition Act, which are described as addressing rising grocery prices, but which have much broader implications.
The Government announced amendments to the Competition Act as part of its announcement regarding combatting escalating grocery prices.
Join us to explore key developments in Canadian competition and foreign investment law. Topics will include new no-poach / wage-fixing offence, Investment Canada Developments, technology markets, greenwashing, class action developments, upcoming Competition Act amendments and more!
Thursday, October 5, 2023
The Competition Bureau's submission to support Health Canada's legislative review of the Cannabis Act investigates the competitive dynamics of cannabis industry
Providing insights on the Competition Bureau’s 2023 Guidelines describing the Bureau’s approach to wage-fixing and no-poaching agreements.
The Competition Bureau commenced a proceeding against Cineplex for allegedly engaging in misleading advertising in the form of "drip pricing".
On March 10, 2023, the Government of Canada approved WestJet's merger with Sunwing pursuant to the Canada Transportation Act.
The Canadian federal government introduced Bill C-34, An Act to Amend the Investment Canada Act, to modernize Canada’s national security regime.
The government’s approach to reviewing foreign investment is evolving, with an increased focus on national security concerns.
The 2023 Canadian Chapter of Lexology Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control provides the most current and comprehensive information available on mergers and acquisitions under antitrust and competition law in Canada.
An Ontario court has dismissed a proposed class action against an automobile manufacturer on the merits for alleged false claims after certification.
New amendments to the Competition Act were passed today as part of the budget implementation bill.
The Canadian federal government has introduced a series of significant changes to Canada's Competition Act.
Updates readers concerning the 2022 Canadian merger filing thresholds under the Competition Act and the Investment Canada Act.
Analyzing updates from an Investment Canada Act national security review case to provide key insights to investors into Canada.
Regulatory scrutiny of mergers and acquisitions looks set to continue to intensify around the globe, with all signs pointing towards an even more complex and dynamic regulatory landscape for businesses to navigate in 2021 and beyond.
On March 24, 2021, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry announced that the government updated its National Security Guidelines.
The 2021 updates to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
Canada blocked Shandong Gold's acquisition of TMAC Resources following a national security review under the Investment Canada Act.
On November 27, 2020, the Competition Bureau clarified its view that the criminal cartel provisions of the Competition Act do not apply to buy-side agreements.
Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control 2021
In response to COVID-19, Canada has temporarily extended three key time periods for national security reviews under the Investment Canada Act.
In its April 18, 2020 COVID-19 policy statement, the government of Canada dramatically expanded the breadth and depth of its review of foreign investments.
The 2020 updates to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
This bulletin analyzes the failing firm merger provision of Canada's Competition Act in anticipation of the negative economic impact of COVID-19.
Canadian Competition Act and Investment Canada Act
The Competition Bureau has sent letters to advertisers and advertising agencies warning them to ensure that their Influencer advertising complies with the law.
This article provides thought-provoking and practical advice to Private Equity investors for minimizing antitrust risks to proposed transactions in Canada.
The Competition Bureau's announcement of its investigation into FlightHub and the registration of a "temporary consent agreement" is analyzed in detail.
2020 Canadian Chapter of Lexology GTDT - Merger Control provides the most current and comprehensive information available on mergers and acquisitions under antitrust and competition law in Canada.
The 2019 increases to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
The 2019 Canadian Chapter of Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control provides current and comprehensive information on mergers and acquisitions in Canada.
The Government of Canada's decision to reject the proposed acquisition of Aecon, a major Canadian construction services firm, by China Communications
The 2018 increases to the merger thresholds under Canada's Competition Act and Investment Canada Act have been announced.
Several proposed revisions to Immunity Program under the Competition Act will have unintended but serious consequence of decreasing applications for immunity
The pathway to successfully navigating the merger and antitrust challenges for Canadian and international transactions has changed considerably within the past decade
The Investment Canada Act 2016-17 Annual Report: What's New?
CETA is Provisionally Implemented — the C$1.5 Billion Threshold Arrives
2017 Canadian Merger Notification Threshold Increases
Government of Canada Provides Valuable Guidance on National Security Review of Foreign Investment in Canada
Getting the Deal Through – Merger Control 2018 (Canada Chapter)
2016 Canadian Merger Notification Threshold Increases
Getting the Deal Through - Merger Control 2016, Canada Chapter
Commissioner of Competition Introduces Revised Compliance Programs Bulletin at McMillan Event
Stop the Presses: Post-Sun Merger Approved
Canadian Merger Notification Thresholds Increased
Tervita Corp v Canada – The Supreme Court of Canada's First Merger Decision in 17 Years: An Efficient Outcome
Canadian Cartel News Volume 6 What Fresh Hell is This? The Canadian Cartel Class Action System
Canadian Cartel News Volume 5
One Place Where Possession is not Nine Tenths of the Law
No More Misleading Advertising Class Actions?
Reading Between The Lines: Kobos Challenge to the E-Books Consent Agreement