Our People

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Dr. A. Neil Campbell
Partner, International Trade | Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7025
Melanie Capobianco
Associate Director, Professional Resources
envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7171
Marie-France Cardin
Director, Client Relations
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7108
Jade Cassivi
Associate, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514.987.5016
Émile Catimel-Marchand
Partner, Financial Services
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514.987.5031
Joshua Chad
Partner, Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7181
Venice Chan
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7423
Bruce Chapple
Chief Executive Officer | Managing Partner
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7024
Jessica Charachian
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514.987.5061
Lyndie Charlton
Associate, Business Law | Financial Services
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone236.826.3258
Mary Chatziadamos
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514.375.5117
Melanie Cheddi
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Calgary envelope[email protected] Phone403.531.4702
Hannah Chen
E-Discovery Analyst
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.762.6705
Kevin Chen
Partner, Commercial Real Estate
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7071
Jason A. Chertin
Partner, Investment Funds & Asset Management
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7854
Quynh Chi Nguyen
Summer Law Student
Location Montréal envelope[email protected]
Adam D.H. Chisholm
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.307.4209
Damon Chisholm
Partner, Commercial Real Estate
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7464
Carina Chiu
Partner, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7416
Magdalena Chmurzewski
Law Clerk
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7196
Arjin Choi
Associate, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.307.4221
Joséane Chrétien
Partner, Class Actions
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514.375.5116
Michael Christ
Articling Student
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone236.826.3009
Cindy Chung
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.5523
Jeneya Clark
Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7465
Julie Clemens
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7420
John Clifford
Partner, Business Law | Mergers & Acquisitions | Chief Client Officer
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7134
Barbara Collins
Partner, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7490
Paul Collins
Partner, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.307.4050
Maude Colpron
Associate, Business Law
Location Montréal envelope[email protected] Phone514-375-5143
Charlotte Conlin
Counsel, Corporate Governance
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7239
Rachel Cooper
Partner, Product Liability & Regulation
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.5543
Sean Coughlin
Partner, Commercial Real Estate
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7883
Darlene Crimeni
Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.6831
Hasiya Crown
Associate, Commercial Real Estate
Location Calgary envelope[email protected] Phone403.231.8383
Ralph Cuervo-Lorens
Partner, Environment
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7880
Timothy Cullen
Partner, Government & Public Policy | Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Ottawa envelope[email protected] Phone613.691.6112
Radha Curpen
Partner, Business Law | National Client Relationship Ambassador and Group Head, ESG and Sustainability
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.235.3028
Julia Currie
Associate, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone236.826.3055