Our People

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Francesca D’Aquila-Kelly
Associate, Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.945.8040
Hongyan Dai
Strategic Advisor
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.689.9111
Evelyn Dapito
Law Clerk
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7935
Nicole Davidson
Articling Student
Location Ottawa envelope[email protected] Phone613.691.6134
Paul D. Davis
Partner, Capital Markets & Securities | Mergers & Acquisitions
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.307.4137
Noah Davis-Assil
Summer Law Student
Location Montréal envelope[email protected]
Joanna Dawson
Partner, Business Law | Mergers & Acquisitions
Location Vancouver envelope [email protected] Phone236.826.3019
Carl De Vuono*
General Counsel & Chief Risk Officer
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.307.4055
Matthew DeAmorim
Associate, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.945.8012
Thomas J. Deutsch
Partner, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7445
Shahnaz Dhanani
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7046
Susan Dhillon
Manager, Corporate Services (West)
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.893.2303
David Diep
Paralegal, Financial Services
Location Calgary envelope[email protected] Phone403.215.2750
Amanda DiFebo
Condominium Specialist
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7903
Regina Dilag
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone236.826.3059
Tess Dimroci
Associate, Business Law | Mergers & Acquisitions
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7266
Emily Dishart
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Location Vancouver envelope[email protected] Phone604.691.7494
Stephanie J. Donaher
National Director, Professional Growth and Management
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone 416.865.7892
Andrea Donlan
Vice President McMillan Vantage
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7155
Catherine Doyle
Partner, Financial Services
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7073
Georges Dubé
Partner, Capital Markets & Securities
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7876
David Dudkiewicz
Partner, Commercial Real Estate
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone647.943.8056
David R. Dunlop
Partner, Mergers & Acquisitions | Private Equity & Venture Capital
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7175
Kaileigh Dunn
Associate, Business Law
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone647.943.9171
Elayna Dushenski
Associate, Litigation & Dispute Resolution | Restructuring & Insolvency
Location Calgary envelope[email protected] Phone403-351-8306
Rebecca Dyck
Law Clerk
Location Toronto envelope[email protected] Phone416.865.7792